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Sunday, 7 November 2010

The dome of Merapi Missing

Mount Merapi erupted Thursday, November 4, 2010 (Intermediate / Akbar Nugroho Gumay)

VIVAnews - The eruption of Mount Merapi, which occurred Friday, November 5 early this morning estimated to be very powerful. Estimation was reinforced by the analysis of who calls the dome of Merapi have been lost.

"Around 16.30 pm (Friday, November 5, 2010), a new dome of Merapi is lost," said President of the Special Staff of Social Affairs and Disaster Management, Andi Arief, told, Saturday, November 6, 2010.

He said the information was obtained from one of the expert team of Special Staff, corresponding to observations in the United States. Allegedly, the newly formed dome of Merapi was slammed hard and disappeared.

Massive eruption of Merapi early yesterday killed 64 people in the hamlet Argomulyo, District Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This location is about 16 to 18 kilometers from the peak of Merapi.

Shortly before the catastrophe that happened, PVMBG issued an appeal to extend the radius of the dangers of Merapi to 20 kilometers. Earlier, during the week that the danger zone of 15 kilometers.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Mount Merapi

TEMPO Interactive, Yogyakarta - Indonesia's active Volcanoes, Merapi volcano erupts with clouds of heat release at 17:02 pm Recorded since. "From 17:02 am until 17:34 pm happened four times to the present cloud of heat and hot clouds continue to emerge one after another after not stop" words Surono, head Pisat Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Agency for Geology in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, October 26, 2010. "From 17:02 am Until 17:34 pm Happened four times to the present cloud of heat and hot clouds continue to emerge one after another after-notes stopping "said Surono, head Pisat Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Agency for Geology in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, October 26, 2010.

According to uterus, the Emergence of the hot cloud is a sign of the Eruption of Mount Merapi. Awan first heat came on at 17:02 pm heading west. The first heat That clouds showed up at 17:02 pm heading west. But the next hot clouds that can not be monitored well as weather conditions at the peak of Merapi quite dark and rain. But the next hot clouds That cans not be monitored well as weather conditions at the peak of Merapi Quite dark and raining.

Siren danger in Kaliurang, Sleman now at 17:57 pm. At 18:05 o'clock am Central Kegunungapian Investigation and Technology Development (BPPTK) Yogyakarta withdraw all personnel from the observation post. At 18:05 Kegunungapian pm Central Investigation and Technology Development (BPPTK) Yogyakarta withdraw all personnel from the observation post.

"In 2006, the hot clouds occur for seven minutes. But this year, with hot clouds occurred Had More Than 20 minutes "he said.

he duration of the hot cloud, he added, showed considerable energy. At 18:00 pm there was an eruption three times that came from the postal and postal Selo whole observatories followed by smoke billowing at 1.5 miles leading to the south. At 18:00 pm there was an Eruption three times the sound of the postal and postal Selo whole observatories followed by smoke billowing as high as 1.5 kilometers heading south. "This type of explosive eruptions of Merapi ascertained" he said . 'This type of explosive eruptions of Merapi ascertained "he said.

Replacing Ponimin Mbah Maridjan

Substitute Ponimin mbah Marijan.Ponimin possible for those of you who do not know the story seemed strange to him substitute that supposedly the story he had obtained a that he saw a magnificent palace, distant like a palace that was occupied by Panembahan Senopati.

"Merapi is a palace, a huge palace. In 1994, I had to whisper and follow the promptings towards the top of Merapi," the story Ponimin reporters when met at the house of Dr. Ana Ruth Wardani, in Kaliadem, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Friday (29 / 10 / 2010).

Ponimin said, prompting him to close his eyes. So when his eyes opened, Ponimin nan said she saw a magnificent palace with a white background.

"In the Palace of jinn and also filled many royal figures. On top of the palace is Panembahan Senopati," he said.

Ponimin touted as the successor Mbah Maridjan, caretaker of Mount Merapi which killed hot dust thrown Merapi. In fact, the news gives another, a thin mustache man is more powerful than Mbah Maridjan.

Ponimin is someone who survived the eruption wedhus trash or trim it.
At wedus gembel crashing, he was at his house in the hamlet of Kaliadem Kepuharjo. Where Houses ponimin is the last house on road to Tour lava area, a distance of approximately 5-6 km from the peak of Merapi.

If highlighted in life known as the financial administration in the village kepuharjo. In addition, previous Ponimin also noted as the Sultanate palace courtiers. Ponimin last title is Surakso Ponihardja.

Ponimin realize now the spotlight almost all media, both print and electronic. Especially after Gustavo Queen (GKR) Hemas, wife of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, bluntly asked him to continue the task left by Mbah Maridjan.

but the truth is we wait for news on whether mbah Marijan ponimin substitute decision we wait

Lava Flood Could

Lava flow reached a distance of approximately 12 km from the summit to meet the check dam in the hamlet Gadingan, Village Argomulyo, Cangkringan, Yogyakarta.
Fotografer - Bagus Kurniawan Photographers - Bagus Kurniawan.

Large rocks carried on in swift currents in Kali Gendol floods cold lava of Merapi.
Fotografer - Bagus Kurniawan.

Cold lava trim brings a lot of materials such as stone and sand, it smells like sulfur was stinging.

Hot clouds of Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi (2968 m.dpl) is located in 2 provinces, Central Java and Jogjakarta. Mount Merapi is located adjacent to Mount Merbabu. Mount Merapi volcano is one that has a destructive force that high and most active among the many volcanoes are located in Indonesia and is one of the world's mountains. The name of the peak is the peak of Garuda, which is a large boulder with eagle-like shape. One characteristic of Mount Merapi is in the event of an eruption produced hot clouds (glowing avalanches), which by the locals called wedus Gembel (a type of goat Java), this hot clouds have temperatures around 1,000 ° C which decreased shaped like a sphere curly goat.

Hot clouds glide who reach 1000 degrees Celsius temperature.

The 2006 eruption of Indonesia's Mount Merapi sent a 2.5-mile cloud of hot ash and gas billowing into the sky. With the predictive analysis capabilities of GIS, scientists were able to warn officials in time to evacuate affected areas.

Mount Merapi Lava Flow

Photo of Mount Merapi was made by Patmawitana and published by AFP on 12 January 2001. Images are downloaded from

After the eruption of Merapi

A buffalo lies dead and covered with volcanic ash at a village hit by pyroclastic flows from Tuesday's eruption of Mount Merapi in Kinahrejo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Trisnadi)

Volunteers carry the body of a victim of the Mount Merapi eruption at Kinarrejo village in Sleman on October 27, 2010. (REUTERS/Beawiharta)

Volunteers search for victims of the Mount Merapi eruption at Kinahrejo village in Sleman, Indonesia on October 27, 2010.

This file photo taken on May 17, 2006 shows Mbah Marijan, the appointed guardian for Mount Merapi by Yogyakarta's highly respected Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as he prays for the people's safety in Kinahrejo. Marijan was one of the victims of the eruption. Grandfather Marijan was found dead - reportedly discovered in a prayer position - inside his burnt house about four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the peak, local officials said.

Bodies Photo mbah Marijan prostration. After Indonesia grieve with various disasters that occurred and one of which claimed the lives of caretaker trim figure is mbah Marijan. Rumored that mbah Marijan died in a prostrate position, so this menggundang many people who want to see the corpse photos mbah Marijan such prostration.

Mbah Maridjan famous for as a caretaker of Mount Merapi, he would not obey orders to go down the mountain by Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.

Volcanic ash covers the interior of a house at a village badly hit by pyroclastic flows from Mount Merapi eruption in Kinahrejo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi)

After the eruption of Merapi at Kali Adem Yogyakarta

Mount Merapi Map

Merapi eruption forming a human figure

WHO IS Merapi mountain porters? Locals said the Old Man as penunggunya Merapi. But who the Merapi's Grandmother? According to the local smart people mbah Maridjan, grandparent Merapi is a king at the same time the main character who became head of the Merapi residents supernatural creature. The second figure whose existence is also the local community is Eyang Sapu Jagat. Merapi crater watchman is what holds the key to whether or not the volcano explodes.

Hence, in order to keep his anger, every year once held a ritual harbor Kraton Jogjakarta dedicated to him, including two staff namely Kyai Kyai Grinjing Grinjing Wesi and Wire. The third figure is Eyang Megantara. Dedemit leaders who remain silent in the peak of Merapi has the authority to control the weather and monitor the area around Merapi.

Nyi Gadung fourth character is Jasmine, she was the leader dedemit woman with hundreds of troops that the average sweet-faced and green dress uniforms faded banana. Main task is to maintain fertility of mountain plants. The fifth character is Grandpa Antaboga. Creatures of the jinn is getting pretty heavy task because it must always maintain the balance of the mountain so as not to sag sink to the bottom of the earth.

People of all six of Kyai Petruk. This genie leaders in charge of giving wangsit about Merapi eruption time, including also gives specific tips to residents to avoid the danger of hot lava of Merapi. This genie salvation dependent population. Who's the leader of the seven spirits who specifically regulate the direction the wind is Kyai Sapu Angin.

The leaders, whose job it is to keep the genie eighth while Merapi is set palace terrace Wola-Wali Kyai. The Kartadimejo, the ninth character is assigned as commander of the troops spirits while keeping livestock and wildlife of the mountain, including to give certainty to residents about exactly when Merapi erupted. Jin latter often come to people so that his name quite famous among the residents of Merapi.

Mount Merapi Resembles Smoke Mbah Petruk

MBAH Petruk, watchman appeared MERAPI MOUNTAIN

A strange phenomenon appeared before the eruption of Mount Merapi on 26 October. Clouds on Mount Merapi to form an image similar to the head Petruk, one of the characters in the puppet world.

These strange events successfully immortalized Suswanto, village residents Sudimoro, Pucang Anom, District Srumbung, Magelang, Central Java, with his camera. Petruk cloud was visible on Tuesday, October 26 around 17:00 pm.

Mentioned, the cloud on the summit of Merapi that set the pattern Petruk head with long nose hair and pigtails curved upward. His figure is facing toward the South, namely Yogyakarta. From the front of the house to the top of Merapi Suswanto approximately 13 kilometers.

For the community at Merapi Slope Petruk figure has its own myth and mystery. They believe Mount Merapi mastered magical figure, namely Mbah Petruk. A number of residents who saw shots Suswanto believed that the image is similar to figure Petruk, the guardian of Merapi.

They suspect, Petruk show themselves as a sign there will be a big disaster on Mount Merapi. Mbah Sihur, Gaten Village, Village Ketunggeng, Srumbung, said the emergence of cloud-shaped head Petruk belief as a warning to residents around Merapi to step aside. "By looking at him that the south has proved a severe hit by the eruption of Merapi is Yogyakarta," he said.

Mbah Mbah Petruk Sihur believe lives in the crater of Merapi. Beliefs about Petruk not separated from the history of the Hindu Majapahit transition to Islam Demak. Communities around Merapi believe Petruk as Sabdo Palon Lolo figure carrying the King of Majapahit Barawijaya advisor V.

At the end of the heyday of Majapahit and the entry of Demak, Brawijaya V reside in Mount Lawu choose which lies on the border of Central Java and East Java. This is done because he refused to convert to Islam.

So Sabdo Palon chose to follow the referendum the king, only he did not come to Mount Lawu but to Mount Merapi as a place of residence. As a warning against political opponents who were in power at that time, he was an oath that the future ruler of the country will claim the promise welfare of the people.

Slope community believed that the eruption of Mount Merapi, the most active in Indonesia since last October 26 is a reminder that the rulers of this country have neglected to carry out the mandate of the people prosper. "So he's angry and collect pledge ruling," he said.