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Thursday, 4 November 2010

After the eruption of Merapi

A buffalo lies dead and covered with volcanic ash at a village hit by pyroclastic flows from Tuesday's eruption of Mount Merapi in Kinahrejo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Trisnadi)

Volunteers carry the body of a victim of the Mount Merapi eruption at Kinarrejo village in Sleman on October 27, 2010. (REUTERS/Beawiharta)

Volunteers search for victims of the Mount Merapi eruption at Kinahrejo village in Sleman, Indonesia on October 27, 2010.

This file photo taken on May 17, 2006 shows Mbah Marijan, the appointed guardian for Mount Merapi by Yogyakarta's highly respected Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as he prays for the people's safety in Kinahrejo. Marijan was one of the victims of the eruption. Grandfather Marijan was found dead - reportedly discovered in a prayer position - inside his burnt house about four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the peak, local officials said.

Bodies Photo mbah Marijan prostration. After Indonesia grieve with various disasters that occurred and one of which claimed the lives of caretaker trim figure is mbah Marijan. Rumored that mbah Marijan died in a prostrate position, so this menggundang many people who want to see the corpse photos mbah Marijan such prostration.

Mbah Maridjan famous for as a caretaker of Mount Merapi, he would not obey orders to go down the mountain by Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.

Volcanic ash covers the interior of a house at a village badly hit by pyroclastic flows from Mount Merapi eruption in Kinahrejo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi)

After the eruption of Merapi at Kali Adem Yogyakarta

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